Face is a Personality Profiling tool targeted at honing the holistic skills of an individual by making them understand about the true potential hidden in them and also the blind spots that pulls them back.

FACE is a careful amalgam of the best theories and findings of the internationally acclaimed psychologists and psychiatrists like Carl Gustav Jung, William Moulton Marston, Wilhelm Wundt to name a few. These time-tested findings and teachings have been diligently blended in to form the FACE which is proficiently handled by our analysts affiliated under the American Psychological Association, International Coach Federation and other famous bodies that deals with the trade-of-mind.

Aimed at a 4-point objective self-development of the participant in multiple facets of identifying the hidden pool of talent within oneself, in reaching out effectively to different persona, learning to grab the eyes and ears of a listener by holding effective and crisp talks and help a person gel well into the atmosphere of a team.

These 4 personality styles has been named as Fact, Action, Concept and Emotion. All 4 characteristics are present in each of us and no one style is better or worse. Your personality style is representative of the dominating trait present in you.

FACE Assessment© helps to discover your Core Personality style and assists you in understanding those of others.